Robert Vela Early College High School

A Message from the Director


     As director of the Early College High School at RVHS, I am committed to supporting our students' academic success throughout their high school journey and helping them reach their post-high school goals.  Our team of ECHS teachers and counselors will guide students as they expand their college and career readiness skills and navigate the amazing opportunities we offer through our partnership with South Texas College.       

     We are excited to welcome a new cohort of students for the 2024-2025 school year!  We look forward to partnering with parents and our community to help our students meet their full potential.  


                                                                               Rachel V. Garza

                     Garza           Early College High School Director

                                Robert Vela High School


RVHS Early College High School

Mission Statement
The mission of Robert Vela Early College High School is to foster in our students a lifelong commitment to intellectual exploration, individual growth, and social responsibility by inspiring and supporting them to strive for academic and personal excellence within an ethical framework that place the highest value on honor and respect for others by engaging and exposing students to innovative and rigorous instruction via dual enrollment college courses.
Vision Statement
All Early College High School students will master the competencies to be life-long learners, to compete, contribute, and succeed in the global community through positive attitudes and high expectations.